5 Craft & Activity Ideas to Keep the Kids Creative

5 Craft & Activity Ideas to Keep the Kids Creative
If you are like us and have the pleasure of having the little ones home from nursery and school for the foreseeable future. Then we can imagine that you are already looking for creative ways on how to keep them occupied, engaged and having fun. 
We thought it would be a great idea to curate our list of 5 inexpensive and fun crafts and activities for you to try out with the kids whilst they are home. If you have any more suggestions or ideas then please do share with our lovely community here at Quince & Cook. Us parents must stick together through this!
Let’s take a lot at our 5 crafts and activities...

Potato Printing

Now this one is a blast from the past! Did anyone else use to do potato printing as a child? It’s super simple. All you’ll need is some paint, paper and a few potatoes. Cut the potato in half and dip into the paint as it is or have a go as carving some cool shapes or patterns. 
Why stop at potatoes? You can even wash out and recycle different packaging or inanimate objects from around the house and see what fun shapes you can come up with. You can give anything from old corks to scraps of bubble wrap a quick lick of paint and stamp onto paper. It's also a great way for younger children to learn about objects and shapes! 
For the older ones, get them to print one shape onto each piece of paper using a different printing object each time. Then once the paint dries, set them the challenge using their imagination of turning each shape into a creative drawing. 

Painting Pebbles

If it’s a nice day it’s super important to keep the kids going outdoors in the garden if possible. Send them off into the garden to find a stone that they like the shape of then give them a wash and look out the paintbrushes! 
They can paint patterns on the stones, or maybe the shape resembles something that they can turn it into. Get them thinking outside of the box! Paint a few faces on them and they can spend the whole afternoon telling stories with their new stone friends. 
If you have elderly relatives, or friends who will find themselves in self-isolation for longer than most then get the kids to make a decorative stone just for them. Who doesn’t love a personalised garden trinket? Especially, when it has been handmade with love from their favourite little rascals. 

Treasure Hunt

Parents, you’ll have to get a little crafty for this activity! Plan a garden treasure hunt for kids. You can hide sweets, toys, tokens, painted stones, anything in and around the garden for them to collect. Take it to the next step and draw them a map or maybe write a sheet of clues to help them out. Another great way to learn and to have fun - you could ask specific questions related to their school subjects or get them to do a little bit of exercise before they get the next clue. Wash the paper with tea to give it that old rustic effect and get the kids kitted out in their best treasure hunt attire before sending them off on their garden treasure hunt.

Water Balloon Piñatas

Water balloon piñatas are a great way to cool down in the garden on a warm day. All you’ll need are some water balloons, some string, thick rope and a bat. Find two posts in the garden or something that the rope can be tied to and pull the rope tight before securing. Fill the water balloons up and tie the end. Then, cut some string to tie each balloon to the rope making sure it’s nice and tight. Once your balloons are all lined up it’s time to let the kids loose with the bat and be sure to stand well back if you don’t want to get wet!

Write to Penpals

With the schools and nurseries temporarily closed and the UK now on lockdown, it’s certain that the little ones will be missing their school buddies. So to keep in touch, and to keep practising their writing and literacy skills why not get the children to write letters to their friends? This can even be done virtually and scanned in or typed up by the parents in charge.
They can tell them all about what they have been up to and maybe even attach a nice drawing for their friends. 
This would also be a lovely gesture for family members that the kids may be missing such as aunts and grandparents. We are sure it would instantly put a smile on their face.
We have a section on our site dedication just for the little ones, if you want to check out any of our craft supplies and toys.
We hope you have fun trying out these fun ideas. Remember, stay safe, wash your hands and enjoy this time with the little ones in the family as much as you can. 
Quince & Cook x